Magick++ image::resize() - not working?

Post any defects you find in the released or beta versions of the ImageMagick software here. Include the ImageMagick version, OS, and any command-line required to reproduce the problem. Got a patch for a bug? Post it here.
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Magick++ image::resize() - not working?

Post by Bunkai »

I do aplogize if I do anything wrong. The same situation as with Magick++ Image::Extent() is with Image::Resize(). After applying Image::Resize() to my loaded document, and save it back, the image contains in original size. This is an example I did:

Magick::Image imageMyImage;"F-16.jpg");
Magick::Geometry geometryExtend(1024, 2000, 0, 0);

"F-16.jpg" is a standard image being 1024x768 pixels large. After saving it back, it contained the original size 1024x768.

Version of Image Magick: ImageMagick-

Thank you,
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Post by magick »

By default, ImageMagick respects the aspect ratio of the source image. Override this default behavior with a bang, !. Try
  • Geometry("1024x2000!");
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Post by Bunkai »

Thank you, very much.
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Re: Magick++ image::resize() - not working?

Post by Bunkai »

Thank you for the response above. Is there any way how to override aspect ratio when using Geometry(1024, 2000); which mean when I use parameters I receive above in the application.

Using your version it makex more difficult to insert the parameters into Geometry() structure, because, I have to firstly generate text array, such as "1024x2000!", that will be later used as parameter in Geometry() structure.

Best regards,
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Re: Magick++ image::resize() - not working?

Post by Bunkai »

I was experimenting and found the answer: Geometry.aspect(true); forces to override the aspect ratio. exactly as in the example below(myGeometry.aspect(true);):

Image imgTest(Geometry(200,200), "transparent");

Image imgCompose(Geometry(20,20), "red");

Geometry myGeometry(200, 400);


imgTest.composite(imgCompose, 10, 10, OverCompositeOp);

Best regards..
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