Here the command I'm running and is based on combing through the forums and documentation looking at examples:
Code: Select all
convert sourceFile.jpg -normalize -enhance -equalize -despeckle -quality 95 destinationFile.jpg
After running Photoshop and choosing the Auto Levels:
After running the IM command listed above (I also included some code to square it up and put it on a white background)
Code: Select all
-thumbnail '500x500>' -bordercolor white -border 500 -gravity center -crop 500x500+0+0 +repage
I can guess that the softness is from the -despeckle portion of the command but I don't understand why I'm getting such a weird looking image using the -normalize -enhance -equalize portion.
Any ideas? I'm sure I'm using the IM operators incorrectly but can't seem to hit upon the magic combination. Your help is much appreciated. I'm running this build:
Version: ImageMagick 6.3.2 02/08/07 Q8
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2007 ImageMagick Studio LLC