MagickWand for PHP is an object-oriented PHP interface to ImageMagick. Use this forum to discuss, make suggestions about, or report bugs concerning MagickWand for PHP.
picture is 2.8MB 2304 x 3456 (8.0 MP) 24-bit color jpg not small but not super big.
procedure use 1GB in disc, 450MB in memory and after 15min it not finish.
Processor used 2-4%.
Is it bug or this picture over limits?
php script work too if set MagickSetResourceLimit (can't set it in php.ini? )
but small strange in architecture.php i see
if we have a 640 by 480 image and we're using the Q16 version of ImageMagick, the pixel cache consumes image width * height * bit-depth / 8 * channels bytes or approximately 2.3 megabytes (i.e. 640 * 480 * 2 * 4).
ok my picture is 2304 x 3456 (8.0 MP) 24-bit Q16 = 2304*3456*24/8*4=95.5MB
why it need 730MB memory to finish work?