Thanks for the reply. That guide is indeed very helpful.
I'm getting results that don't make sense to me, though. I've got 3 test files (1.gif, 2.gif, 3.gif). Here's the histogram from just one of them:
Code: Select all
convert 1.gif -format %c histogram:info:
2: #A66B10 rgb(166,107,16)
2: #A76C10 rgb(167,108,16)
2: #A96E11 rgb(169,110,17)
6: #AB7111 rgb(171,113,17)
2: #AB7011 rgb(171,112,17)
2: #AD7212 rgb(173,114,18)
1: #AF7412 rgb(175,116,18)
1: #AE7512 rgb(174,117,18)
1: #B57B14 rgb(181,123,20)
1: #B57C14 rgb(181,124,20)
1: #B77D14 rgb(183,125,20)
1: #B77E14 rgb(183,126,20)
8: #B98015 rgb(185,128,21)
2: #BB8216 rgb(187,130,22)
2: #BC8216 rgb(188,130,22)
2: #BD8416 rgb(189,132,22)
1: #FBDD83 rgb(251,221,131)
1: #FBE08C rgb(251,224,140)
1: #FCE08C rgb(252,224,140)
1: #FBE499 rgb(251,228,153)
1: #FCE399 rgb(252,227,153)
1: #FCE499 rgb(252,228,153)
5: #FCE8A9 rgb(252,232,169)
5: #FCE8A8 rgb(252,232,168)
1: #FCE9A8 rgb(252,233,168)
6: #FDEDB9 rgb(253,237,185)
6: #FCEDB9 rgb(252,237,185)
4: #FDF2C9 rgb(253,242,201)
7: #FDF2CA rgb(253,242,202)
1: #FCF2CA rgb(252,242,202)
3: #FDF7D9 rgb(253,247,217)
1: #FDF6D9 rgb(253,246,217)
2: #FDF6DA rgb(253,246,218)
2: #FEF7D9 rgb(254,247,217)
2: #FEF6D9 rgb(254,246,217)
1: #FEF7DA rgb(254,247,218)
1: #FDFBE6 rgb(253,251,230)
2: #FEFAE6 rgb(254,250,230)
3: #FEFDEF rgb(254,253,239)
162: #FFFFFF00 rgba(255,255,255,0)
However, when I run the above command to create a common color palette, the palette contains far fewer colors than I would expect:
Code: Select all
convert *.gif +append -colors 256 -unique-colors palette.gif
convert palette.gif -format %c histogram:info:
51: #01467A rgb(1,70,122)
48: #FFFFFF00 rgba(255,255,255,0)
I must be doing something wrong with the command line - as you can see the result doesn't really make sense.
The test files I am using can be downloaded from
here. Thanks for any additional advice.