Computer Use of Image Magic

Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
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Computer Use of Image Magic

Post by fordtruck »

Where Do I Find The Software to Download for Computer use?
Do I have to Purchase it or is there a FREE Download? :?

Re: Computer Use of Image Magic

Post by fordtruck »

For Windows XP What would You Recommend I Download & What To do to Download
I read the Info in the Links But Do Not Understand the WINZIP?
Can You Help? Again

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Re: Computer Use of Image Magic

Post by Bonzo »

Here is a link to some basic instructions on how to get IM running on an XP and Linux PC. Also I use it with php on a XAMMP setup.

Latest version you want: ... ws-dll.exe

Re: Computer Use of Image Magic

Post by fordtruck »

Ive Downloaded ... ws-dll.exe
Now All IO See is a Blank Page on IMDisplay? Where Do I Find The IM I want to use
Please help
thanks :?
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Re: Computer Use of Image Magic

Post by Bonzo »

So you have downloaded and run the exe file which should have installed IM. I have only used it in the "Comand prompt" screen.

Go there and copy and paste this at the end of the last line

Code: Select all

convert -version
which should prove IM is installed and working.

Some instructions I gave someone else - They were putting there images into the same folder as IM. You need to replace the folder with the path to your images.

Re: Computer Use of Image Magic

Post by fordtruck »

Would that Let Me use ... Studio.cgi
I like This on Cause It has Thousands of Fonts

Where do I Put "Covert Version"? Please Help Im New to A lot of Computer stuff.

Im already Having Security Troubles ?
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Re: Computer Use of Image Magic

Post by Bonzo »

That is a special program interface. IM works by inputting comands either into a command line or program. The fonts you can use are only the ones regestered in IM.

I think you will have a lot to learn :shock:

To input convert -version you have to go Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt. You must input the code exactly as written . convert -version will work but convert version will not work.

Re: Computer Use of Image Magic

Post by fordtruck »

I do have a lot To Lean :shock:
Now That I Put Coversion in the Command Prompt What Next

Please otherwise Ill use the One WEBTV uses that IM does Not want
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Re: Computer Use of Image Magic

Post by Bonzo »

Put convert -version and press enter. You should get some text telling you that IM is installed and what version it is.

Re: Computer Use of Image Magic

Post by fordtruck »

Got It Thanks Its Just Different From What MSN TV uses I got to Figure How to Use It

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Joined: 2006-05-20T08:08:19-07:00
Location: Cambridge, England

Re: Computer Use of Image Magic

Post by Bonzo »

The basic use is you input the command and the image is saved to the folder. One of the problems is you have to navigate to the folder with the image.

To save a jpg as a gif you would use convert image.jpg image.gif To resize an image you would use convert image.jpg -resize 100x100 resized.jpg

I would start off with something easy; put the image into the folder that Command Prompt defaults to and run a convert comand. The new image will be saved in the same folder. Once you get the hang of this you can experiment more.
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