The script is well documented and easily configured to fit your installation. It uses the PHP exec() function. You may need to modify the paths to your tools, [e.g., INDENTIFY]
Simply make a file with the script and execute it.
Code: Select all
* Designed by Alan Rider
$convert= "/usr/local/bin/convert"; //paths to Imagemagick components
$identify= "/usr/local/bin/identify"; // Best not to use simply /convert
$montage= '/usr/local/bin/montage';
$mogrify= '/usr/local/bin/mogrify';
$debug= (isset($_GET['debug']))? TRUE : FALSE;
$report= "<p style=\"margin:1em auto 0 auto; color:blue; font-size:12pt\">Append 'config' argument to URL [i.e. URL?config] to include configuration stuff and/or 'debug' argument to see a debug report. </p>\n\n";
$cmd_debug= ($debug)? '-debug exception' : '';
$font= 'Bookman-Demi';
$font= 'Bookman-DemiItalic';
$text= "Versions, Fonts and Colors";
$text= "testing";
$text= "Candidates for the Board of Directors";
$php5= ((int)PHP_VERSION >= 5)? TRUE : FALSE;
if($php5)date_default_timezone_set('America/New_York'); //Set as needed, php5.1+
$text= 'Image created and saved: ' . date('j M Y h:i:s A');
$file= '/IMtest.jpg';
$fpfile= getcwd() . $file;
$img= (isset($_GET['no_img']))? FALSE : TRUE;
$dirname= basename(getcwd());
if($img && !is_writeable(getcwd())) die ("<p style=\"margin:1em auto 0 auto; color:red\">Directory [$dirname] permissions prohibit writing files. Change to 757 and run once. Then restore permissions to 755. </p>
<p style=\"margin:1em auto 0 auto; color:red\">You can supress the image file writing test with URL argument '?no_img'</p>\n\n");
$command="-background lightblue -fill blue -font $font -pointsize 72 label:$text";
-size 860x85 xc:transparent -font Bookman-DemiItalic -pointsize 72 -draw "text 25,60 'Magick'"
-channel RGBA -gaussian 0x6 -fill darkred -stroke magenta -draw "text 20,55 'Magick'" fuzzy-magick.png
$command= "-size 900x85 xc:#ffffee -font $font -pointsize 30 -draw \"text 10,60 '$text'\" -channel RGBA -gaussian 0x6 -fill darkred -stroke magenta -draw \"text 5,55 '$text'\"";
// $command= "-size 320x85 xc:transparent -font $font -pointsize 72 -draw 'text 25,60 $text' -channel RGBA -gaussian 0x6 -fill darkred -stroke magenta";
$report .= "<br><p>Command => <br>\n" . $command . "</p>\n\n";
//here is the command line
if($img) exec("$convert $cmd_debug $command $fpfile", $IMarray, $code);
if($img) $report .= "<p style=\"margin:1em auto 0 auto; color:blue; font-size:12pt\">Depending on your brower's cache settings, the image may not update. Try ctrl-R.</p>";
if(!$img) $report .= "<p style=\"margin:1em auto 0 auto; color:blue; font-size:12pt\">You appended 'no_img', so either no image will show or a old image will be rendered, if it exists.</p>";
$report .= "<img style=\"margin:2em auto 2em auto\" alt=\"image missing\" src=\".$file\">\n\n"; //whatch the dot
if($php5) $report .= "<p style=\"color:blue; font-size:12pt\">Time is EST or DEST for php5</p>";
if(!$php5) $report .= "<p style=\"color:blue; font-size:12pt\">Time is server time for php4</p>";
$report .= "<div style=\"clear:both, height:1em\"></div>\n";
if(($debug OR $code != 0)){
$report .= "<pre>" . print_r($IMarray, TRUE) ."</pre>\n";
$report .= "<br>Error code: " . $code . '<br>\n';
}//end if
exec("$identify -version", $version);
$report .= 'IDENTIFY version: ' . $version[0] ."<br>\n";
exec("$convert -version", $version);
$report .= 'CONVERT version: ' . $version[0] ."<br>\n";
exec("$montage -version", $version);
$report .= 'MONTAGE version: ' . $version[0] ."<br>\n";
exec("$mogrify -version", $version);
$report .= 'MOGRIFY version: ' . $version[0] ."<br>\n";
if(isset($_GET['config'])) {
exec("$identify -debug configure -list type", $configarray);
$report .= "Configuration: <pre>" . print_r($configarray, TRUE) ."</pre>";
exec("$identify -list type", $listarray);
$report .= "<br><br>ImageMagic fonts: <pre>" . print_r($listarray, TRUE) ."</pre>";
exec("$identify -list color", $colorarray);
$report .= "<br><br>ImageMagic colors: <pre>" . print_r($colorarray, TRUE) ."</pre>";
echo $report;