Any way to install multiple versions on a linux box?

Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
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Ryan Nutt

Any way to install multiple versions on a linux box?

Post by Ryan Nutt »

Is there a (relatively easy :) ) way to have multiple versions of ImageMagick on a Linux server? I'm writing a web application that shells to convert to handle image conversions, but some users are having issues and I would like to be able to test with different versions. My application is already able to specify different paths for convert so being able to install to different directories would be ideal.
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Re: Any way to install multiple versions on a linux box?

Post by tsdineen »

The simplest way is what I do, set --prefix to something different, then create a perl/ksh script to force the lib path and pickup correct bin. Then link each tool you want to have this capability, such as display and convert, to this script. This way I can override the OS installed versions and run on several different OS types from a single mount.
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Re: Any way to install multiple versions on a linux box?

Post by anthony »

There is a utility script in the sources... ""
This script is used to allow developers to run IM commands that were built in the source area but which has NOT been installed to test those commands without
replacing or using the system installed IM.

For example, IN my development work for distortion methods I often do things like...

Code: Select all

   ./configure ...
   ./  utilities/convert -size 210x30 pattern:checkerboard \
          -virtual-pixel tile -distort arc 360 +repage   x:
This runs the just built binary (in utilities) and libraries, without using the system installed versions.

You can modify the above script to allow it to run an IM in any installed location, and even set the 'PATH' to the commands in use. That is you must use a script to run a particular install, separate to the system install.
Anthony Thyssen -- Webmaster for ImageMagick Example Pages
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