Code: Select all
/*********************************** Make a nifty label ************************************/
$report= "<html><body style= \"margin:5%; font-size:12pt\">\n\n";
$report .= "<p style=\"color:blue; text-align:center\">PHP Imagick Image Library Label Test</p>\n\n";
/* This is the IM command version:
-size 900x85 xc:#ffffee -font Bookman-DemiItalic -pointsize 30 -draw "text 10,60 'Image created and saved: 9 Aug 2007 02:36:38 PM'" -channel RGBA -gaussian 0x6 -fill darkred -stroke magenta -draw "text 5,55 'Image created and saved: 9 Aug 2007 02:36:38 PM'"
$obj2= new Imagick(); //Object
$draw= new ImagickDraw(); //Drawing objects
$color= new ImagickPixel(); //Pixels color objects
$php5= ((int)PHP_VERSION >= 5)? TRUE : FALSE;
if($php5)date_default_timezone_set('America/New_York'); //Set as needed, php5.1+
$text= 'Image created and saved: ' . date('j M Y h:i A');
$width= 940;
$height= 85;
$font_size= 32;
$left_margin= 30;
$top_margin= 55; //Text and shadow location
$label_img= './test_label.jpg';
$obj2->newImage($width, $height, $color); //Create the label image
$draw->setFont("Bookman-DemiItalic"); //Set the font
$draw->setFontSize($font_size); //Set the size
$color->setColor("black"); //Shadow color
$obj2->annotateImage($draw, $left_margin+5, $top_margin+5, 0, $text); //Add the text shadow
$obj2->gaussianBlurImage(0, 6); //Blur it
$color->setColor("darkred"); //Text color
$color->setColor('magenta'); //Stroke color
$draw->annotation($left_margin, $top_margin, $text); //Add pretty text
$obj2->drawImage($draw); //Add the text layer
/********* 3d Frame it ********************************/
* The IM command: -mattecolor Blue -frame 10x10+0+6
$obj2->frameImage($color, 14, 14, 0, 8);
$report .= "<img alt=\"image missing\" src=\"$label_img\">\n\n";
$report .= "</body></html>\n\n";
echo $report;