Writing out to DPX produces invalid file

Post any defects you find in the released or beta versions of the ImageMagick software here. Include the ImageMagick version, OS, and any command-line required to reproduce the problem. Got a patch for a bug? Post it here.
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Post by magick »

We will investigate problem with DPX and get back to you. Given our current workload it may take several weeks or months before you hear from us.

Post by koshiji »

in coders/dpx.c
dpx.image.image_element[0].packing is always set to 0
at 10 or 12 bit depth, it shoud set to "1".

in addition, dpx.image.image_element[0].transfer and colorimetric is always 0 though default colorspace is LOG.
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Post by magick »

Thanks for the bug report. We will get these fixes into the next point release of ImageMagick in a week or so.

Re: Writing out to DPX produces invalid file

Post by koshiji »

For LOG Color Space,

It used "Printing Density" at Transfer characteristic.

Is it right ?
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Re: Writing out to DPX produces invalid file

Post by olert »

The subject is old, but I'll try anyway :-)

>in coders/dpx.c
>dpx.image.image_element[0].packing is always set to 0
>at 10 or 12 bit depth, it shoud set to "1".

For 12bit images, setting packing to 1 causes each compunent to use 16bit on file, the 4 LSB set to 0. This is refered to as 'Method A filling' in the DPX standard (SMPTE 268M).
Using 'Method A filling' gives quite some overhead in the files, 12 bit per RGB pixel.

The DPX format also supports packing 0 for DPX files, resulting in smaller files. However the current dpx.c API dosen't support it.
My suggestion would be to either change to packing 0 also for 12 and 10 bit files, or somehow making it user configurable.
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