decode delegate ImageMagick 6.3.0 05/25/07 Q16

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decode delegate ImageMagick 6.3.0 05/25/07 Q16

Post by tobiaszander »


I'm getting a very strange error running following command:

convert -resize x75 -profile /www/ "/www/" -quality 100 -profile www/ +repage +profile '*' "/www/"

Generating a thumbnail from a pdf file.

The error output says:
convert: no decode delegate for this image format `kl.strace.log'.
convert: Improper image header `nautilus-debug-log.txt'.
convert: Color profile operates on another colorspace `icc'.

We're running openSuse .

I don't know what this kl.strace.log should be? The missing image format is also chaning when I'm running this from another programming language like php.

For example I'm using exec in php:
exec('same command as above');
The error is:
convert: no decode delegate for this image format `myfile.php'.
convert: Color profile operates on another colorspace `icc'.

Looks like their's some weird memory problem squirling undependent commands.

ImageMagick version is 6.3.0 05/25/07 Q16

Regards Tobias.

Re: decode delegate ImageMagick 6.3.0 05/25/07 Q16

Post by tobiaszander »

Sorry, can be closed. Happens only on some corrupted PDF files :)
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