ImageMagick Automake/Autoconf configuration file

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ImageMagick Automake/Autoconf configuration file

Post by magick »

We received a bug report about namespace collision in the automake/autoconf configuration file, magick-config.h. Gcc 4.3 returns are error when common automake/autoconf defines are used by more than one shared API, for example PACKAGE_NAME and PACKAGE_VERSION. This problem is fixed in ImageMagick 6.3.7-0 Beta by pushing these defines into the MAGICKCORE namespace and checking to see if they are already defined. For example,

/* Define to the version of this package. */

This change may affect some software distributions that depend on ImageMagick. However, from what we can see the only commonly used define is QuantumDepth which we continue to support but deprecate in favor of MAGICKCORE_QUANTUM_DEPTH.
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