Using -sample to resize is not a good idea.
Using -resize is the better way. Using a Blackman filter produces a sharper resized image that the default Mitchell (slightly blurry), or Lanczos (slightly ringing) filter, though at a cost of some aliasing. See the re-vampled page on IM Examples, Resizing, for more details of these '
resize artifacts'
However the ideal way is to draw the font at the right size in the first place. Preferably with a font that is designed to be draw at very small pointsizes. There are some, such as the Libration, and DejaVu LGC fonts designed for use on Linux displays that do work at small scales.
Ideally a bitmap font should be available as an option in IM, which will allows for really small pointsized fonts (5 to 8 pixels high), however at this time IM fails in this regard. It is supposed to be able to handle it but I have as yet failed to get any bitmap font (non-Truetype) to work properly.