adaptive-sharpen not working

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adaptive-sharpen not working

Post by Maxwell »


The adaptive-sharpen option isn't doing anything for my images. I have tried it on TIFFs and JPEGs. I'm using version 6.3.5

I have used this command with different parameters for -adaptive-sharpen:

Code: Select all

convert giraffe.tif -adaptive-sharpen 0x1 giraffe-adapt.jpg
The resulting file looks the same as the original to me and GIMP (using Difference mode on layers.).

I have also tried using it at the following link with the same non-results. ... Studio.cgi

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Re: adaptive-sharpen not working

Post by ccreekin »

It works well now, just for the record. See this newer thread:


Re: adaptive-sharpen not working

Post by Maxwell »

I'll give it a try. I forgot I asked about this.
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