PCX->PNG color bug?

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PCX->PNG color bug?

Post by Bugs »

I just did a simple 'convert image.pcx image.png' , and the colors came out all wrong.

I tried a few pcx files that I had, and they all turned out wrong.

Since I am new to this program, I am not sure if this is a bug, or if it is user error.

The pcx files are:

PCX 256x256 256x256+0+0 PseudoClass 256c 8-bit 33.4375kb

And I wanted to at first, just convert it to png, but then to convert it to a true color png image, 8888(RGBA).

If someone can tell me if this is a bug, or just user error, I would appreciate the info.

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Re: PCX->PNG color bug?

Post by magick »

Post a URL to your image and mention which version of ImageMagick you are using. We will get back to you after we reproduce the problem.

Re: PCX->PNG color bug?

Post by Bugs »

I am using ImageMagick-6.3.7-6-Q16-windows-dll.exe.

For the image, I PMed you.

Forgot to mention, I also tried conversion to jpg & tga with the same results.
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