I recently had to build IM from source. But found that many image types including convert to png, jpeg and tif did not work. I got some help from Sean Burke to find those delegate libraries. Now when I run Anthony Thyssen's flicker_cmp, I get error messages about
sh: line 1: gs: command not found
sh: line 1: gs: command not found
montage: FreeType library is not available `/Library/Fonts/arial.ttf'.
montage: Postscript delegate failed `/var/tmp/magick-aNuPo2Mo': No such file or directory.
So I suspect I am missing these delegate libraries in my build.
Could someone please inform me where I can find ALL the delegate libraries that are needed to build IM compatible with what IM supplies as binary builds.
It would also be nice if this list could be put on the build from source page.
Where Do I find All The Delegate Libraries?
Re: Where Do I find All The Delegate Libraries?
Most if not all of the delegate libraries are available on the ImageMagick FTP server: ftp.imagemagick.org/pub/ImageMagick/delegates/