I've tried the following commands:
- convert /tmp/b/num.0015.tif -modulate 150 foo.tif
- composite -dissolve 50% /tmp/white.png /tmp/b/num.0011.tif foo.tif (all incarnations, i.e. order of args. "white.png" is an image of all white)
- convert /tmp/b/num.0015.tif -fill "rgb(50%,50%,49%)" -fuzz 5% -opaque "rgb(0,0,0)" foo.tif (this works, but locks in black & white - which is bad. Anecdote: this does not work if I use (50%,50%,50%), as opposed to (50%,50%,49%) - bug?)
The image is at http://hero.com/~briank/misc/num.0015.tif if you can't view it in the browser.
Edited to add: The above image was created as a tiff with an alpha then I removed the alpha with imagemagick using the +matte command & inverted (also with image magick) it so now the 15 is black & background is white. I'm running Debian Linux with Version: ImageMagick 6.0.6 05/30/07 Q16 (which I believe is straight from the Debian Repository)