Conversion to EPS3 is very slow

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Conversion to EPS3 is very slow

Post by evgeni »

I am using IM to convert TIFF images to EPS3.
It works fine with older version 6.2.5.

But the same conversion with the new version 6.3.9 is about 10-times slower, which is unacceptable for our application.

Code: Select all

convert -verbose zzz.tiff -compress zip zzz.eps3
Both 6.2.5 and 6.3.9 produce the same output image, but the new version is very slow.

TIFF image is 600x600 dpi, size about 205kb, rgb.
Windows system.

Thanks, Evgeni
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Re: Conversion to EPS3 is very slow

Post by magick »

First determine if the slow-down is from TIFF or EPS. Try timing these commands:
  • convert -verbose zzz.tiff -compress zip zzz.eps3
    convert -verbose zzz.tiff null:
If the second command is fast the problem is in the EPS coder otherwise the TIFF. Either way post a URL to your image so we can download and reproduce the problem and hopefully offer a method to speed up the process.

Re: Conversion to EPS3 is very slow

Post by evgeni »

The slowness is definitely in EPS3 conversion, TIFF read at no time.

The image is: Image


Re: Conversion to EPS3 is very slow

Post by evgeni »

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Re: Conversion to EPS3 is very slow

Post by magick »

We tried the following with ImageMagick 6.4.0-2:
  • time convert -verbose zzz.tiff -compress zip zzz.eps3
and it returned
  • 1.184u 0.124s 0:01.35 96.2% 0+0k 0+80io 0pf+0w
What does time report when you run the command?

Re: Conversion to EPS3 is very slow

Post by evgeni »

Time with 6.3.9 is 2.5 sec
Time with 6.2.5 is 0.15 sec

System Windows XP/Pro

Re: Conversion to EPS3 is very slow

Post by evgeni »

Below is -verbose output from the old 6.2.5 version:
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\DailyVest\ImageMagick-6.2.5\VisualMagick\bin>convert -verbose zzz.tiff -compr
ess zip zzz.eps3
TIFF Directory at offset 0x332ee
Subfile Type: (0 = 0x0)
Image Width: 1650 Image Length: 750
Resolution: 600, 600 pixels/inch
Bits/Sample: 8
Compression Scheme: LZW
Photometric Interpretation: RGB color
Extra Samples: 1<unassoc-alpha>
Samples/Pixel: 4
Rows/Strip: 1
Planar Configuration: single image plane
Predictor: none 1 (0x1)
zzz.tiff TIFF 1650x750 DirectClass 205kb 0.031u 0:01
zzz.tiff TIFF 1650x750 DirectClass 205kb
zzz.tiff=>zzz.eps3 TIFF 1650x750 DirectClass 38kb 0.109u 0:01


Re: Conversion to EPS3 is very slow

Post by evgeni »

Any update on this problem?

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