Analyze image pixel by pixel looking for white. If white pixel found, fill with neighboring color.
I wrote a script that parses the text output from convert and accomplishes what I outlined above. However, as you might imagine, it is very slow to analyze a large image.
My next attempt at this will be to look at the API to hopefully gain speed and/or write the script to keep track of where the last fill happened start parsing there...
But I was wondering if there would be a way to accomplish the same with convert's FX or other method?
Here's the Perl code that I'm using, approximately:
Code: Select all
sub fill {
open(EXE,"convert pre.png txt:- |");
while(<EXE>) {
# 11,0: (48830,48830,48830, 0) #BEBEBEBEBEBE grey
$_ =~ /(.*?):/;
$coords = $1;
$_ =~ /\#(.*?)\s+(.*)/;
$color = $2;
$color =~ s/\s+//g;
if ($color =~ /white/i) {
`convert -fuzz 10% -fill '$last_color' -draw 'color $coords floodfill' pre.png tmp.png`;
`mv tmp.png pre.png`;
else {
$last_color = $color;
NOTE: the example image has a white background. I want to look at just the white in the object so I fill at pixel 1,1 with grey or some other color and then change it back to white after the loop.