Here is the code I have tried to use but it just doesnt work, the images all see to be in the same place.
Code: Select all
$command = $imageMagickPath."composite -geometry +16+1 {$mainPath}{$clock} {$mainPath}{$output} {$mainPath}{$output} "
." composite -geometry +1+1 {$mainPath}{$signal1} {$mainPath}{$output} {$mainPath}{$output} "
." composite -geometry +224+1 {$mainPath}{$signal2} {$mainPath}{$output} {$mainPath}{$output} "
." composite -geometry +5+82 {$mainPath}{$icon_select} {$mainPath}{$output} {$mainPath}{$output} "
." composite -geometry +7+83 {$mainPath}{$icon1} {$mainPath}{$output} {$mainPath}{$output} "
." composite -geometry +45+83 {$mainPath}{$icon2} {$mainPath}{$output} {$mainPath}{$output} "
." composite -geometry +82+83 {$mainPath}{$icon3} {$mainPath}{$output} {$mainPath}{$output} "
." composite -geometry +122+83 {$mainPath}{$icon4} {$mainPath}{$output} {$mainPath}{$output} "
." composite -geometry +160+83 {$mainPath}{$icon5} {$mainPath}{$output} {$mainPath}{$output} "
." composite -geometry +200+83 {$mainPath}{$icon6} {$mainPath}{$output} {$mainPath}{$output} "
." composite -geometry +7+130 {$mainPath}{$icon7} {$mainPath}{$output} {$mainPath}{$output}";
there are no effects added to the images they are simply placed on the output image in the correct position using the -geometry +?+?, very similar to what adobe photoshop would do via layers.
I have looked at god knows how many examples to do this but im just not getting it to work using one command like above, however it does work if I do each image serperate like below.
Code: Select all
// add the clock
$command = $imageMagickPath."composite -geometry +16+1 "
." {$mainPath}{$clock} {$mainPath}{$output} {$mainPath}{$output}";
// add the signal strenghs
$command = $imageMagickPath."composite -geometry +1+1 "
." {$mainPath}{$signal1} {$mainPath}{$output} {$mainPath}{$output}";
$command = $imageMagickPath."composite -geometry +224+1 "
." {$mainPath}{$signal2} {$mainPath}{$output} {$mainPath}{$output}";
etc etc
any help appriciated