visualStaticMTDLL download?

Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
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visualStaticMTDLL download?

Post by michealvleugel »


I'm a bit stranded here - I built an app using only open source tools (mingw, sharpdevelop) in / C with the idea of compiling ImageMagick with MingW also, so I can distribute the app later on without any licensing problems etc. Turns out that yes, I can get IM to compile with MingW, but no, not with all bells and whistles I need for the app. I (=not compiling newbie) spend about 4 full days trying to get it to work, with varying degrees of success. I now learned (the hard way) that compiling IM on MingW and getting it to work the way you want is either not for the feint of heart, or simply not possible.

I'm sure it is just a click on a button to get IM to compile under MSVC, but I dont have the bucks to spend on a license.

So my question: is there someone/somewhere that has a compiled version of IM, static multithreaded dll version, so a version I can just copy and move around, without setting MAGICK_HOME, without editing the registry etc, that I can download, including all of the delegate dll's etc, etc?

Any help would be very much appreciated!

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