Here is a bit of a broader scope:
shell_exec("convert -size ".$w."x -fill white -font \"".$_REQUEST['font']."\" -background black -gravity center label:\"".$text."\" tg1".$r.".gif");
shell_exec("convert ".$_REQUEST['glitter']." -virtual-pixel tile -set option:distort:viewport ".$w."x".$h." -distort SRT 0 tile".$r.".gif");
shell_exec('convert tile'.$r.'.gif null: tg1'.$r.'.gif +matte -compose CopyOpacity -layers composite -pointsize 10 -draw "fill black text 0,'.($h-5).' fill white text 1,'.($h-6).' " tg1'.$r.'.gif');
Creates a text item, creates an equally sized animated tile, then overlays the animation (glitter) onto the text.
The weird part is, the first part of the third command (overlaying the animation onto text) works perfectly, but then where I'd expect there to be "" written in the bottom left corner, there's nothing.