mpeg2encode licensing issue

Post any defects you find in the released or beta versions of the ImageMagick software here. Include the ImageMagick version, OS, and any command-line required to reproduce the problem. Got a patch for a bug? Post it here.
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Re: mpeg2encode licensing issue

Post by magick »

Since we're using ffmpeg for decoding MPEG it made sense to use it to encode MPEG's. Look for a patch in the ImageMagick subversion trunk sometime tomorrow. Note that currently we support ffmpeg under Linux and mpeg2{decode,encode} under Windows.
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Re: mpeg2encode licensing issue

Post by AdamW »

Thanks for that - I missed it, being on the second page! I am updating the Mandriva package to 6.4.2-10 and will test the fix.
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Re: mpeg2encode licensing issue

Post by magick »

We just discovered a small problem with 6.4.2-10. Edit and change .mgk to .xml or wait until tomorrow for the 6.4.3-0 release that fixes this problem.
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Re: mpeg2encode licensing issue

Post by AdamW »

OK, I'll do that.
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