Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
I want to convert tifs into jpg. When I use the following command I end up with two jpgs: foo.jpg.0 and foo.jpg.1. foo.jpg.0 has the original size of the tif, foo.jpg.1 is 1/3 of that size.
You do not say what the relationship between the two outputs are e.g. is 1 just a smaller version of 0 ? or is it the text layer or something ? I do not know how tiff's work.
I receice foo.jpg with the original dimensions of the tif!
You do not say what the relationship between the two outputs are e.g. is 1 just a smaller version of 0 ? or is it the text layer or something ? I do not know how tiff's work.
Both jpgs are the same picture as the original tif just with different dimensions:
foo.tif: 4860x3132
foo.jpg.0: 4860x3132
foo.jpg.1: 1620x1044 ((4860/3)x(3132/3))