I've been trying for about 2 weeks to put togeather a script that will rotate and resize images.
Start -
600x750px tif
End -
Needs to be 300dpi
Needs to be 225x256
Needs to be gif
Needs to be rotated -5 degrees
Needs to have a "border" around it so that the corners of the rotated image are 11px vertical and 16 px horizontal from the edge of the graphic.
Needs to have transparent background
Edges need to be clean
Here is what I'm doing currently thats not working:
Code: Select all
$x4 = $agent4->Resample(density=>'300x300');
$x4 = $agent4->AffineTransform(rotate=>'-5', interpolate=>'Mesh', background=>'none');
$x4 = $agent4->Scale(geometry=>'214x243');
$x4 = $agent4->Border(geometry=>'11x16', bordercolor=>'none' );