Fails to extract IPTC Caption from JPG

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Fails to extract IPTC Caption from JPG

Post by markgowdy »


We use IM to extract IPTC data from an image, but recently this has stopped working with some images.

I have been able to reproduced the problem on my dev machine (OS X 10.4.11), and it also happens on Windows too.
I have installed the latest version of IM but the problem persists:

Code: Select all

Version: ImageMagick 6.4.5 2008-11-20 Q8
The link below is to one of the JPGs in question.
has_iptc.jpg (456Kb)

This picture has various IPTC fields including Caption (according to and Photoshop).

The command I use to get the IPTC Caption is:

Code: Select all

identify -format "%[IPTC:2:120]" has_iptc.jpg
This returns nothing. Can someone have a quick look to see if this is a bug, or an issue with the source photos (or whatever they are using to edit them)

Many thanks,


Re: Fails to extract IPTC Caption from JPG

Post by markgowdy »

Please please please, can someone help me with this??


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Re: Fails to extract IPTC Caption from JPG

Post by jpiquemal »

The caption is:
"at the Ardilaun Hotel Wedding Fair and Fashion Show."

I used Konvertor to extract the caption

Re: Fails to extract IPTC Caption from JPG

Post by markgowdy »

Yea, I do know what the caption is, the problem is that ImageMagick seems to be unable to extract it.

I had to revert to using the 'Drew Metadata Extractor' (in Java), which seems to work for these problematic images.
It's good to know that 'Konvertor' also has no problems.

If 'Konvertor' and the 'Drew libraries' are able to do this correctly but IM cannot, then to suggest that we might be looking at some kind of a bug with IM is not an unreasonable assumption.

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Re: Fails to extract IPTC Caption from JPG

Post by magick »

The problem you reported is fixed and the patch will be available in ImageMagick 6.4.6-4, the next point release, within a few days. Thanks.

Re: Fails to extract IPTC Caption from JPG

Post by markgowdy »

Hello again,

The IPTC extraction problem still persists.

I tried it with IM Version 6.4.6-4 and the latest version (6.4.7-0).
Still no joy :-(

I built these from source (on OS X 10.4.11) using:
./configure --enable-shared --with-quantum-depth=8

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Re: Fails to extract IPTC Caption from JPG

Post by magick »

We get the IPTC values with identify -verbose:
  • identify -verbose has_iptc.jpg:
    Profile-8bim: 12008 bytes
    Image Name[2,5]: Ardilaun Hotel Wedding Fair and Fashion Show.
    Keyword[2,25]: Ardilaun
    Keyword[2,25]: Wedding
    Keyword[2,25]: fashion
    Keyword[2,25]: Hotel
    Created Date[2,55]: 20081102
    Byline[2,80]: .Joe O'Shaughnessy
    Caption[2,120]: at the Ardilaun Hotel Wedding Fair and Fashion Show.
However the -format option does not find 2,120. We will investigate and have a patch in ImageMagick 6.4.7-1 Beta within a day or two. Thanks.
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