After copying image in Magick++ saving to RGBA doesn't work

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After copying image in Magick++ saving to RGBA doesn't work

Post by ivan.savu »

Here's a code that illustrates my problem

Code: Select all

	Image image (Magick::Geometry(1024,1024), Magick::Color(255,255, 0));

	Magick::Image test = image;

After execution, C:/test1 is filled with incorrect data.. If I save test object to any other, non raw format (png, jpg.. ), everything works fine..
Also if I perform save with image object, directly, without copying, everything also works fine.. This is a recent bug I can verify that it didn't exist in 6.4.6-0 and that it exists in 6.4.9-4. If there's any way I can help with this bug(i.e. determine exact version of IM in which this bug started occurring).. drop me a message here, since this one is really a high priority bug for me .. Thanks.
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Re: After copying image in Magick++ saving to RGBA doesn't work

Post by magick »

There is a bug in raw RGBA due to a user contributed patch. We will revert the patch in the ImageMagick 6.4.9-5 release available within a few days. Thanks.

Re: After copying image in Magick++ saving to RGBA doesn't work

Post by ivan.savu »

Ok I'v tested the new 6.4.9-5 version, works nicely. Thanks.
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