Hi all!
Really been enjoying IM, upgraded today to fix the -loop 0 stall error on animated GIFs, and I'm having a bit of trouble with my install configuration on 64bit x86 Suse Linux 10, server install.
I have the necessary libraries installed and working with the 6.4.2 install.
If I use the default scenario (./configure, make, make check, make install) for 6.4.9, the configure script DOES acknowledge the installed libraries/delegates. There are a few errors during 'make check', maybe they'll be helpful here, let me know and I can post part or all of the log. I'm not sure if any are related to this problem. Executables 'compare' thru 'stream' all pass their respective tests ('identify' throws a bunch of rangecheck errors, but passes).
The validation for "image formats on disk" passes for the formats I have installed, as does "image formats in memory". The script "tests/validate.sh" gets a FAIL, the others PASS. Result is [check-TESTS] Error 1, [check-am] Error 2, and [check] Error 2. So far, so good enough, at least from what I can tell.
Following 'make install', the executables (all of them) are unable to find libMagickCore or libMagickWand unless I throw both in the /usr/lib64 directory. That addressed, the 'convert logo: logo.gif' command works perfectly (but run as root, see below).
So here's where I'm a bit confused...*please note I've been writing this while testing, all the above is probably completely irrelevant at this point *...I just discovered that when running as user, I get the following errors:
convert: UnableToOpenConfigureFile `delegates.xml' @ configure.c/GetConfigureOptions/553.
convert: NoDecodeDelegateForThisImageFormat `test.gif' @ constitute.c/ReadImage/526.
convert: MissingAnImageFilename `test.gif' @ convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/2766.
And yeah, running the test 'convert logo: logo.gif' spits this out...
convert: UnableToOpenBlob `logo:': No such file or directory @ blob.c/OpenBlob/2427.
convert: MissingAnImageFilename `logo.gif' @ convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/2766.
When running as root, everything works ...grumble grumble. I checked the permissions in /usr/local/lib and /usr/lib64, everything I need to execute as user appears to be r-x. Having noticed a minute ago that it's functional as root, I'm now feeling a bit stupid, but may as well ask the stupid questions because I've typed this much and it might help somebody else later...
Is there a better way to point the software to the core and wand libraries?
And...scuse me while I duck all the manuals thrown at me for this one...should I be hunting for an environment variable or a permission setting, to explain the availability with root vs unavailability with user? (ducking frantically)
Thanks all, like I said, sorry about that last question, I figured someone else may encounter it later--and may have encountered it before, judging by some of the posts I found searching on this topic--so I thought I might as well post, and any help is most welcome before I start digging through the results of a pair of env commands and all the install paths for 6.4.9. At least the "no such file or directory" part from the logo command makes me think environment variable...
Upgraded to 6.4.9-7 from 6.4.2, delegate errors
Re: Upgraded to 6.4.9-7 from 6.4.2, delegate errors
After you install ImageMagick be sure to include libMagick in your dynamic run-time binding path with the ldconfig command. Also check that the permissions are set properly. As a user can you list the contents of /usr/local/lib/ImageMagick-6.4.9/config/configure.xml? If not you will have problems using ImageMagick. Type
- convert -debug configure logo: logo.pam
Re: Upgraded to 6.4.9-7 from 6.4.2, delegate errors
Thanks for the tip! That was the problem, every directory beneath ImageMagick-6.4.9 wasn't user rx.
Works perfectly now...the upgrade didn't solve the problem but that is for a different thread.
Works perfectly now...the upgrade didn't solve the problem but that is for a different thread.