convert eats hole memory when reversing multipage tiff

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convert eats hole memory when reversing multipage tiff

Post by cakruege »

If I reverse a multi page tiff

Code: Select all

convert -reverse "scan4a 001.tif" "scan4a 001_rev.tif"
than convert eats all of the machines memory (1.6 GB).

scan4a 001.tif is 180 MBs big and has 50 frames, because of the swapping it needs 20 minutes.

With 285 MB it completly fails:

Code: Select all

convert: Memory allocation failed `scan2a 001.tif' @ tiff.c/ReadTIFFImage/929.
convert: missing an image filename `scan2a 001_rev.tif' @ convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/2775.
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Re: convert eats hole memory when reversing multipage tiff

Post by magick »

Not a bug. Try this command:
  • convert -limit area 1mb -reverse "scan4a 001.tif" "scan4a 001_rev.tif"
If that fails, post a URL to your TIFF image so we can inspect it.
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