# convert --version
Version: ImageMagick 6.5.1-0 2009-05-15 Q16 OpenMP http://www.imagemagick.org
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2009 ImageMagick Studio LLC
We are running ImageMagick on our Gentoo servers, which update on Fridays. This morning, IM upgraded from to, and with it we lost the ability to correctly convert TIF format files to PS, which we then pass through GhostScript. This process normally runs through the pecl-imagick module in PHP, but I've isolated the same behavior down to IM's convert directly.
What we are seeing is this: The TIF file is converted to PS, but the output PS file is only the bottom left portion of the original TIF file. The number of pages in the TIF is correct, however.
The convert operation couldn't be more simple:
# convert 000ADCBB.TIF test.ps
The output is:
convert: 000ADCBB.TIF: unknown field with tag 33000 (0x80e8) encountered. `TIFFReadDirectory' @ tiff.c/TIFFWarnings/526.
It does, however, produce the test.ps file, as requested, but it's only the left corner. Running identify on the TIF results in:
# identify 000ADCBB.TIF
000ADCBB.TIF[0] TIFF 1680x2198 1680x2198+0+0 1-bit Bilevel DirectClass 22.8kb
000ADCBB.TIF[1] TIFF 1680x2198 1680x2198+0+0 1-bit Bilevel DirectClass 22.8kb
identify: 000ADCBB.TIF: unknown field with tag 33000 (0x80e8) encountered. `TIFFReadDirectory' @ tiff.c/TIFFWarnings/526.
The configuration of ImageMagick on our Gentoo box, which I have been testing on, is this:
# USE="gs jbig jpeg2k" emerge -qpv imagemagick
[ebuild R ] media-gfx/imagemagick- USE="bzip2 corefonts gs jbig jpeg jpeg2k openmp perl png tiff xml zlib -X -djvu -doc -fontconfig -fpx -graphviz -hdri -lcms -nocxx -openexr -q32 -q8 -raw -svg -truetype -wmf"
Note: For testing, I enabled gs, jbig and jpeg2k, which is why I am using the USE flags here.
As I said before, we were running before, and everything worked just fine. Is there anything I can do to resolve this other than reverting to that version?
The original TIF and the test.ps file can be found at these URLs:
Adam. Cannot convert TIF to PS correctly
Re: Cannot convert TIF to PS correctly
One last thing, these TIF files are being produced from our Kofax scanning station. Our operation is stopped currently because of this issue.
Re: Cannot convert TIF to PS correctly
Not sure if there is a bug specific to ImageMagick 6.5.1-0. We're running ImageMagick 6.5.2-4, the latest release, and the conversion from TIFF to Postscript went without complaint and produced the expected result (the Postscript matches the TIFF image).
Re: Cannot convert TIF to PS correctly
Well, I did revert back to and everything is working again. I didn't change any other libraries on the machine when I downgraded, so I know that it's isolated to IM itself. It's possible that this was a problem with that was resolved in a later version already. I'll have to see if there is a masked one in portage to verify.