It successfully converts that JPG image to a single page PDF file, but that PDF file has a HUGE size...convert lettersizepage_at_300_dpi.jpg lettersizepage_at_300_dpi.jpg.pdf
The input JPG file is about 1MB in size. The output PDF is 20MB in size!
I tried using the '-compress JPEG' option but that didn't help a bit.
Is there a way to reduce ImageMagick's PDF output to a sane size?
I am aware of the image quality tradeoff - I only need an image of about the same quality of the original JPG file.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Update: I just tested this again and I got baffling results:
On my home Linux box, running ImageMagick 6.2.2 05/24/06 Q16, the output PDF file size is about the same as the input JPG.
But on my web host's (Linux) server, running ImageMagick 6.4.2 06/27/08 Q16, the output PDF files is about 20X larger than the same input JPG!
This is using the same exact command and JPG input file!
What could explain this?
Is it possible that the web host configured ImageMagick so that it does not compress? Is it possible at all to maim ImageMagick like this?