What is the best way if i need to use "caption:@-" (for wrapping) but also want to add some padding?
For instance;
- I want to write a very long text, which is first wrapped in imagemagick to e.g. 500x18px
- Then i want to add 10 pixels to each size (basically; gravity: center) so the image becomes 520x38px
But i also want to be able to specify different padding to each side, meaning i can't use gravity "center" just like that..
For instance;
lets say i have an image that is 500x18px but i only want to add 10px to the left of the image, and 4px to the right of the image, meaning the image would become 514x18px..
How can you do that with "convert"? Below you find my current "test" commandline:
Code: Select all
echo -n "PHP will attempt to execute the contents of the backticks as a shell command; the output will be returned (i.e., it won't simply be dumped to output; it can be assigned to a variable)." | convert -background none -size 512x -fill '#ff3300' -font './coopbl.ttf' -pointsize 18 -gravity NorthWest caption:@-