auto-orient introduces weird scan lines into images

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auto-orient introduces weird scan lines into images

Post by gotskill10 »

When running 'mogrify -auto-orient image.jpg' or the convert version of that command, the images are coming out like this:

The original is here:

We are currently using: Version: ImageMagick 6.4.5 2009-05-23 Q8 OpenMP
On a powerful EC2 64 bit instance.

Why is this happening? I searched for this bug, but cannot find it anywhere on the internet.
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Re: auto-orient introduces weird scan lines into images

Post by magick »

We could not reproduce the problem with the latest release, ImageMagick 6.5.4-0. You can try downloading and installing 6.5.4-0 or rebuild / reinstall 6.4.5 without OpenMP support (./configure --disable-openmp).
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Re: auto-orient introduces weird scan lines into images

Post by gotskill10 »

recompiled it without OpenMP and it worked!

I know you guys had a thread about why you have OpenMP defaulted. I'd be against having it enabled by default since you are introducing potential bugs. It's like merging IM's bug list with OpenMP's bug list (along with the bugs that come with combining the two) without the user asking for it.

+1 for removing it from default ./configure.
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Re: auto-orient introduces weird scan lines into images

Post by anthony »

It is the default as it is faster on multi-processor machines. basically it divides a job into multiple 'threads' so that multiple processes can share the task and get it done faster.
Anthony Thyssen -- Webmaster for ImageMagick Example Pages
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