I need to output an image with Chinese word, and wrap automatically inside a box.
This is how I do:
./convert -background black -fill white -font wts11.ttf -pointsize 20 -size 100x100 -encoding utf8 caption:"一二三四五六七八九十" caption.gif
The string after caption "一二三四五六七八九十" are Chinese words mean one to ten.
And the result I get
Supposedly, the string 六七八九十 should on the second lines, but it seems not wrap at all.
I guess it's the same bug as
It seems that the bug is not solved. I'll upload the font later.For English, words are white space separated making word wrapping easy, in Chinese (and this is only a rough guess) each Chinese symbol can regarded as a word so word wrap can be done on either side of any Chinese symbol.
[updated: to reproduce this bug, you can download the font in http://cle.linux.org.tw/fonts/wangfonts/wts11.ttf
it's opensource font, free for download]
My im version is : ImageMagick 6.5.4-2 2009-07-06 Q16 OpenMP
OS: fedora