-colorspace HSL and HSB, possibly YUV too
together with some other options, like
-fuzz, -opaque, or -trim
weird things happen
Code: Select all
convert colorwheel.png -colorspace HSB -fill white -opaque blue opaque_blue.png
Code: Select all
convert colorwheel.png -colorspace HSL -fuzz 70% -fill white -opaque blue opaque_blue_HSL70.png
Code: Select all
convert colorwheel.png -colorspace HSB -fuzz 70% -fill white -opaque blue opaque_blue_HSB70.png
Code: Select all
convert colorwheel.png -colorspace YUV -fuzz 70% -fill white -opaque blue opaque_blue_YUV70.png
there is also an issue with blur, althought that I can understand: blur does not take into account that the Hue wraps around on red
Code: Select all
convert colorwheel.png -colorspace HSB -blur 10x1000 opaque_blue.png