Facing problem with conversion of image from .ai to .jpg

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Facing problem with conversion of image from .ai to .jpg

Post by petercoloney »

when i try to convert for command prompt it give me error like this
GPL Ghostscript 8.64: unrecoverable error

so what am i doing wrong i have installed ghostscript gs864w32.exe and ImageMagick-6.5.4-3-Q16-windows-dll.exe

waiting for reply.
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Re: Facing problem with conversion of image from .ai to .jpg

Post by magick »

Try these commands:
  • convert logo: logo.eps
    convert logo.eps logo.png
Do they execute without complaint? If so, the problem may be specific to your Postscript / PDF file. If not, it may be an installation problem with Ghostscript.

Re: Facing problem with conversion of image from .ai to .jpg

Post by petercoloney »

yes when i execute convert filename.eps filename.jpg/png it creates file without any error
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