bus error when reading certain TIFF file

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bus error when reading certain TIFF file

Post by axelrose »

Hello all,

I get a Bus error when executing "identify image.tif"
with ImageMagick 6.5.4-7

Thread 0 Crashed:
0 libtiff.3.dylib 0x0008096a _TIFFVGetField + 1226
1 libtiff.3.dylib 0x00080f42 TIFFGetField + 34
2 tiff.so 0x007c9e49 ReadTIFFImage + 6985 (tiff.c:446)
3 libMagickCore.2.dylib 0x002a9a93 ReadImage + 659 (constitute.c:494)
4 libMagickCore.2.dylib 0x003a7287 ReadStream + 263 (stream.c:949)
5 libMagickCore.2.dylib 0x002a9476 PingImage + 118 (constitute.c:246)
6 libMagickCore.2.dylib 0x002a96d2 PingImages + 322 (constitute.c:336)
7 libMagickWand.2.dylib 0x00544b83 IdentifyImageCommand + 2243 (identify.c:304)
8 identify 0x00001e65 main + 581 (identify.c:120)
9 identify 0x00001be6 start + 54

It is presumably caused by some meta data since the problem disappears
if I remove meta data with the exiftool command "exiftool -all= image.tif".

The source image can be found here


Thanks for any help

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Re: bus error when reading certain TIFF file

Post by magick »

We can reproduce the problem and have a patch in ImageMagick 6.5.4-10. Thanks.
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