Issue with -profile option

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Issue with -profile option

Post by jyelloz »

I was recently testing out ImageMagick 6.5.4-9 on my mac (macports) and 6.5.4-10 on gentoo linux.
When I try

Code: Select all

convert  -depth 8 -colorspace RGB -size 256x256 xc:red -profile sRGB.icm test.png
I get the following error or warning message:

Code: Select all

convert: associate profile with image, a source and destination color profile required for transform `icc' @ profile.c/ProfileImage/812.
The image is created and the profile seems to be assigned properly but I don't know what the message is for since the syntax seems correct and everything and there are no messages when using 6.5.2 on mac or linux with the same command. Is this supposed to appear?
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Re: Issue with -profile option

Post by fmw42 »

I don't much about profiles, but two potential issues

1) put the input image after convert and not at the end

convert -size 256x256 xc:red -depth 8 -colorspace RGB -profile sRGB.icm test.png

2) you may need to provide the full path to the profile.

Re: Issue with -profile option

Post by jyelloz »

Actually the input image is xc:red, which just makes red pixels for whatever the canvas size is (see The output is test.png.
I have lots of experience with using the -profile option so that's why I was asking about this.

It turns out the output image seems just fine but I would prefer to not have to add another extra error filter in my application.
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Re: Issue with -profile option

Post by magick »

The message is a warning and can safely be ignored. Its telling you that the profile is being associated with the image since there is no existing profile so no color transform takes place.

Re: Issue with -profile option

Post by jyelloz »

Thanks, I actually really wanted something like that.
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