Image::Trim() not updating Image().Size().xOff() and yOff()

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Image::Trim() not updating Image().Size().xOff() and yOff()

Post by Bunkai »

Dear Imagemagick representative,

I have many game sprites rendered with backgrounds that need to be cut off. Therefore, I use Image::Trim() to get rid of transparent backgrounds. I need to record how many colums were removed for future computations. However, I see that Image::Trim() does not updates xOff and yOff values:

Version used: ImageMagick-6.5.4-Q8

Image my_image;
Geometry my_Geometry;;
my_Geometry = my_image.size();
vFolderTree[nPos].nTrimmedRctXOffset = my_Geometry.xOff(); // value is always 0 althought it is wrong
vFolderTree[nPos].nTrimmedRctYOffset = my_Geometry.yOff(); // value is always 0 althought it is wrong

Is there any other method to know how many colums and rows were trimmed?

With regards...
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Re: Image::Trim() not updating Image().Size().xOff() and yOff()

Post by magick »

Use page() rather than size().
Posts: 22
Joined: 2007-01-15T07:37:59-07:00

Re: Image::Trim() not updating Image().Size().xOff() and yOff()

Post by Bunkai »

page() worked. Thank you :-)
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