Code: Select all
convert -density 300 "PDF" -resize 750x1000 -quality 65 "image%02d_f.jpg"
Code: Select all
find /path/to/folder -name \'*.jpg\' -exec convert \'{}\' -thumbnail 163x250 -quality 60 -alpha on -virtual-pixel transparent -filter point \( +clone -flip -size 163x100 gradient:gray50-black -alpha off -compose CopyOpacity -composite -channel A -evaluate multiply .35 +channel \) -append +distort Perspective \'0,0,0,0 0,163,0,163 163,0,153,10 163,163,153,153\' -gravity North -crop 163x350+0+0! -background white -compose Over -flatten \'{}\'_t.jpg \;
I have noticed after doing 50+ PDF's that I have varying results.
All of the images load and look correct in Firefox, Opera, and Chrome. Some of the images do not load in IE at all (neither IE8 nor IE7). Those same images that do not load in IE, show up as negative images in Safari.
Because of this I am going to assume that the problem is with the created image and not something to do with the browsers. I have searched and found nothing. Does anyone have any insight as to what might be causing the problem and how i get them to work in ALL browsers?