gif images appear wrongly in firefox

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gif images appear wrongly in firefox

Post by rgrig »

An GIF generated by ImageMagick looks wrong in Firefox 3.0.14 on Ubuntu 9.04: It's supposed to be trimmed but it takes lots of space, and has some spurious black box. The same file looks OK if viewed with 'display' or with 'eog'. The file was produced with the command:

Code: Select all

  convert -trim foo.pdf foo.gif
The version is "ImageMagick 6.4.5 2009-06-04 Q16 OpenMP".
If I generate a png instead of a gif it works.

Is this a problem in Firefox or in ImageMagick?

Here is the image:

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Re: gif images appear wrongly in firefox

Post by magick »

Try this:

convert foo.pdf -trim +repage foo.gif
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Re: gif images appear wrongly in firefox

Post by anthony »

Firefox is broken. v3.5 does this. The GIF image is correct, but firefox displayes it wrong.

However you don't seem to want the virtual canvas, so using +repage to remove the virtual canvas will fix your specific problem.

I reported the GIF issue to the firefox bugs list...
GIF with larger "Logical screen: Width and Height displays incorrectly

I even had others confirm the bug, but firefox developers have been unresponsive.

In an animation only the first image goes wrong. If the first image fully defines the canvas then there is no problems.
Anthony Thyssen -- Webmaster for ImageMagick Example Pages

Re: gif images appear wrongly in firefox

Post by rgrig »

+repage works. Thanks.
anthony, thanks for the explanation.
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