montage don't work in mac os snowleopard

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montage don't work in mac os snowleopard

Post by krestenb »

I just compiled ImageMagick with macports 1.8.
However the montage command does not work. I'm completely new to mac os X but has used convert,montage etc. extensively in linux.
Is this a known problem? Is there a known fix?
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Re: montage don't work in mac os snowleopard

Post by fmw42 »

Your MacPorts install may not have worked correctly. I am on Mac OSX Tiger IM 6.5.6-4 Q16 (I install manually from source) and have no problems. But I am on a G4 PowerPC and not Intel hardware with multiprocessor support. You can try to disable OpenMP and see if that helps. Does convert and mogrify work correctly? What is your exact montage command? You will probably need to supply more information about your exact command and images for the IM folks to help you further. What do you get from

convert -list configure

Did you have any error messages with your install? Check the config.log file.

Re: montage don't work in mac os snowleopard

Post by anexiole »

hi , there,
I dont think you understand what the main question was.

The poor guy is using Snow Leopard with ImageMagick.

Now, googling around at the time of this reply, there's been some imagemagick issues with snow leopard especially in terms of installation.
You're using Tiger and obviously, it's been around long enough for the kinks to be worked out.
Even Leopard hasnt that many issues with ImageMagicK but snow leopard doesn't seem to play nice.

I can tell cause i have been having countless issues with snow leopard and image magic k.

If anyone could provide an answer to why montage doesn't work on snow leopard ( as per the reason for this post), I would be very interested in seeing a reply here in this thread.
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Re: montage don't work in mac os snowleopard

Post by magick »

We just downloaded and built ImageMagick 6.5.7-3 under Snow Leopard 64-bit and all the regression tests passed and the montage command works without complaint. We're not sure why it fails with MacPorts.
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