Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
I have a jp2 file and I'm trying to get it to display using imagemagick. I've installed "jasper" but I'm not sure why it's not working. I'm running Ubuntu 8.04
It does not look like IM is recognizing your jp2 format. Did you recompile IM after installing jasper?
To check what delegates IM recognizes on your system, type
convert -list configure
Then look at the line starting with DELEGATES. Mine shows
Best that I can recommend at this point is to post an example image and I will try on my system. Beyond that, you need more expert help from the IM folks. Perhaps it is not truly a jp2 file or is corrupt in some way.
Your file is very large at 14 Mbytes and if decompresssed from jp2 will be even larger.
I tried identify 300dpi.jp2 but after waiting for many minutes with no reply nor any error, I gave up and cancelled out.
I was able to open the file on my Mac using QT Preview, but had to wait minutes. I did a screen snap of the displayed image. This is what it looks like.
I suspect that it is so big that I am giving up waiting for IM to process it. But I don't get any errors, unless I am not waiting long enough.
I've been struggling with the same problem, same result. Ubuntu 8.04 lts, jasper, etc. I used to be able to use IM to manipulate JP2s, but am not sure what changed when to make it so that I couldn't. I haven't found anything online - other than this thread - dealing with the issue.
I know the mods aren't responsible for troubleshooting every installation & OS, but the last post isn't very helpful. I've got other tools that do similar things to identify (jhove, etc.), but here is my identify output:
here's a URL but I'm certain that there are no issues with based on other tools:
the issue has something to do with the installation on ubuntu. maybe specifically 8.04.
here is my convert -list configure output for DELEGATES:
DELEGATES bzlib djvu fontconfig freetype gvc jpeg jp2 lcms openexr png rsvg tiff wmf x11 xml zlib
you can see that jp2 is listed. i know you are trying to be certain that the image isn't the problem, but everything that protargol & i have been struggling with seems to be a config issue.
I was having similar problems with certain jp2 failing during convert, would get "error: cannot decode code stream". I think this is a problem with the Ubuntu 8.04 jasper distribution, I built jasper from source (same version as what ubuntu has) and could get things to work. Smaller j2ps always worked.
Running ubuntu jasper executable gets same results as convert, fails instantly on larger files:
convert finally worked but only if I rebuilt ImageMagick after installing my build of jasper, I am a little confused why though.
bash:$ convert JXi0_27.jp2 test.jpg
(created test.jpg with no problem)
I also tried 300dpi.jp2 from above and it ran for long long time before failing with an error, I think now just because its so big (ubuntu version would return instantly with error)
1) ubuntu ImageMagick, ubuntu jasper, both convert and jasper don't work on certain jp2
2) manual build of ImageMagick against ubuntu jasper, convert doesn't work
3) manual build of jasper works, convert doesn't
4) manual build of ImageMagick after installing manual jasper, convert works
So not really sure what happened, jasper is same version as what ubuntu has. Is it something with static v/s dynamic linking?
did manual builds with