QuantumDepth in Perl doesn't work anymore

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QuantumDepth in Perl doesn't work anymore

Post by codemann8 »

I recently installed 6.5.7-3 from a binary release (Win32 Dynamic Q16). I previously had 6.5.3-?. I run my code and now get the following error. Note, I'm not the original creator of the code so I'm not sure everything that goes on in the code. I'm trying to run a Perl script and it bugs out with the error:
Error wrote:C:\CVS\spopt\bin>generateCharts.pl C:\CVS\spopt\cfg\ghm.cfg
reading C:/CVS/spopt/bin/../assets/gamefiles/GuitarHeroMetallica/x360/aceofspades.mid.qb
Generating blank chart for ghm:aceofspades.mid.qb:guitar:expert
Your vendor has not defined PerlMagick macro Spopt::SongPainter::QuantumDepth, used at C:/CVS/spopt/bin/../lib/Spopt/SongPainter.pm line 731.
On the line it errors out:

Code: Select all

728: my $x = $PIXEL_WIDTH;
730: my $im = Image::Magick->new(size=>"${x}x$y");
731: $QUANTUM_DEPTH = $im->QuantumDepth;
It looks like its just a Image::Magick object calling QuantumDepth, I don't see the problem.

Now that I've uninstalled 6.5.3, I cannot go back as I don't have the binary install file and I've tried for days to get a source installation to work.
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Re: QuantumDepth in Perl doesn't work anymore

Post by magick »

We don't have access to Windows right now, however, in the mean-time this works on our Linux box:

Code: Select all

use Image::Magick;

print QuantumDepth, "\n";
print $im->QuantumDepth, "\n";
16 is returned as expected. When we get a chance tomorrow we'll test the script under Windows.

Re: QuantumDepth in Perl doesn't work anymore

Post by codemann8 »

magick wrote:

Code: Select all

print QuantumDepth, "\n";

Code: Select all

print $im->QuantumDepth, "\n";
^ Both throw the same error "Your vendor..." as before

EDIT: Also, I got my hands on a 6.5.5-2 binary release, and it produces the same error. Must've been something prior to that release.

Quite curiously, I've noticed that the PerlMagick directory now has a .ppd file in it while the previous versions seemed to have more files included, including a Magick.xs. Don't know if that has something to do with it.

Re: QuantumDepth in Perl doesn't work anymore

Post by codemann8 »

Have you checked this on a Windows machine yet?

Also note the EDIT in the last post
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Re: QuantumDepth in Perl doesn't work anymore

Post by magick »

The script we posted worked fine under Windows XP and Windows 7, that it, it returns 16 twice as expected.

Re: QuantumDepth in Perl doesn't work anymore

Post by codemann8 »

Would you have any suggestions as to finding out why QuantumDepth is giving me problems?
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Re: QuantumDepth in Perl doesn't work anymore

Post by magick »

In general, we can only fix problems we can reproduce. We're clueless why its failing for you.
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