Thumb::URI file:////

Post any defects you find in the released or beta versions of the ImageMagick software here. Include the ImageMagick version, OS, and any command-line required to reproduce the problem. Got a patch for a bug? Post it here.
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Thumb::URI file:////

Post by arizonagroovejet »

If I generate a thumbnail like so:

Code: Select all

$ convert /Users/mike/Documents/DSC01578.JPG -thumbnail 128x foothumb.png
The information required by the thumbnail specification is inserted in to the image:

Code: Select all

$ identify -verbose foothumb.png | grep "Thumb::MTime"
    Thumb::MTime: 1250455570
$ identify -verbose foothumb.png | grep "Thumb::URI"
    Thumb::URI: file:////Users/mike/Documents/DSC01578.JPG
Or so I thought. If I generate a thumbnail using ImageMagick and save it with the appropriate filename in the appropriate directory, then I start up a GNOME application that has cause to use the thumbnail, GNOME replaces the thumbnail with a new one with the same filename.

It took me a while to spot it, but the URI that ImageMagick inserts has too many forward slashes at the start - four when it ought to be three.

Code: Select all

$ identify -verbose foothumb.png | grep ImageMagick | grep Version
  Version: ImageMagick 6.5.7-0 2009-11-08 Q16
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Re: Thumb::URI file:////

Post by magick »

Thanks, we updated the Subversion trunk with patch. The update will be available sometime tomorrow.
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