SVG conversion problem

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SVG conversion problem

Post by Unconnected42 »

I am trying to convert SVG images to PNG (but the final format does not matters, since the bug is the same for whatever format I try to convert to).

All I obtain is a big black box, with the dimensions of the original image.

As I read some of the previous posts on the topic, I tried some commands that were asked to people with similar problems :
Running the command 'convert -list configure' gives the value 'bzlib djvu freetype gvc jpeg jp2 lcms openexr png tiff x11 xml wmf zlib' for the DELEGATES line.
If I run the command 'identify -list format' I have the line 'SVG SVG rw+ Scalable Vector Graphics (XML 2.7.3)' which says that SVG should be supported.

My version of ImageMagick is 6.5.1, it is the version installed by default on my OS which is Ubuntu Karmic Koala.

Someone has an idea aboiut what could be the source of the problem ?
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Re: SVG conversion problem

Post by magick »

What you need for proper SVG conversion is:
  • SVG SVG rw+ Scalable Vector Graphics (RSVG 2.26.0)
Notice the RSVG delegate library.
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