Small pointsize = convert takes forever with certain fonts

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Small pointsize = convert takes forever with certain fonts

Post by Heist »

If I use Chopin Script, which can be found here with a pointsize of 12 and lower, it takes forever to generate (if it does ever finish at all) the image and it uses almost 100% of the cpu, yet with a pointsize of say 20, it generates almost instantly.

Code: Select all

convert -background none -fill "#000000" -font /path/to/font -pointsize 12 -size 150x40 -gravity Center -density 72 caption:@input_file /path/to/out
I'm using version 6.5.6-8.

Any idea why this is happening and how I can fix it? (I've tried using limits (time, memory and map) to at least free the resources, but they don't seem to trigger)

Re: Small pointsize = convert takes forever with certain fonts

Post by Heist »

I should point out that with -debug trace, the operation never really seems to "hang". It just keeps going and going.
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Re: Small pointsize = convert takes forever with certain fonts

Post by magick »

We're using ImageMagick 6.5.6-9 and Freetype 2.3.9. The convert command finishes expeditiously no matter which pointsize we set.

Re: Small pointsize = convert takes forever with certain fonts

Post by Heist »

I updated to im version 6.5.6-9 to no avail. I'm using FreeType version 2.2.1 and sadly have no control over it at the moment. The issue seems related to the actual font you're using, since I'm not getting this problem on any other font.

Re: Small pointsize = convert takes forever with certain fonts

Post by Heist »

Any new development regarding this issue?
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Re: Small pointsize = convert takes forever with certain fonts

Post by magick »

In general we can only fix problems that we can reproduce and so far we cannot reproduce your problem. We used the Chopin font and converted a 100 line script in 2-3 seconds for pointsizes of 6, 12, 24, 32, and 72. Our ImageMagick is version 6.5.8-4 and our Freetype delegate library is version 2.3.11.
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