Conversion of PDF to JPG not so successful

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Conversion of PDF to JPG not so successful

Post by mpc_kiddo123 »

I have a script called shatterpdf that is suppose to shatter a pdf into multiple jpg images.
However, it seems to crash the computer after a while.
I have tried to do different things to the script, but it seems to be hit-and-miss on various conversions.
I know the pdftk burst part works, but the imagemagick conversion part tends to crash.
Is there a way I can prevent crashes yet still get the pdfs to convert.

In general, I truly do have some scans turned pdf that are 600x600 density.
At other times, I have compiled PDFs with images that are definitely not 600x600.
I'd like to create a universal script for both occassions if possible.
The PDFs that are 600x600 can be about 135MB and take some time to convert: they also lead to a possible crash.

Here we go:

# This script takes a large .pdf file with multiple pages
# and it shatters it into individual images.
# Each image is a page; and they will become .jpg unless
# otherwise specified...
mkdir ./temporary
mv ./*.pdf ./temporary
cd ./temporary
pdftk ./*.pdf burst output ../page000%d.pdf
cd ..
rm -R ./temporary
convert -quality 50 -density 600x600 -limit memory 32 -limit map 64 ./*.pdf ./page%d.jpg
rm ./*.pdf
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