Looked at an exciting example on the site:
ImageMagick v6 Examples -- Creating Thumbnails and Framing
Adding image labels
I try to do / run this example in DOS (and in Autohotkey)
Code: Select all
convert -define jpeg:size=400x400 hatching_orig.jpg -resize '120x200>' \
\( +clone -matte -fill transparent -draw 'color 0,0 reset' \
-resize 1000x200\! -font SheerBeauty -pointsize 72 -gravity Center \
-strokewidth 8 -stroke black -fill black -annotate 0,0 '%c' \
-channel RGBA -blur 0x8 \
-strokewidth 1 -stroke white -fill white -annotate 0,0 '%c' \
-fuzz 1% -trim +repage -resize 115x \
\) -gravity North -composite -strip +repage annotated.gif
I don't know how to split the rows in a "batch file" (???.bat).
Therefore, everything is in the same row. (may not be visible)
Code: Select all
convert -define jpeg:size=400x400 Hatching_Orig.jpg -resize "120x200>" ( +clone -matte -fill transparent -draw "color 0,0 reset" -resize 1000x200 -font Arial -pointsize 72 -gravity Center -strokewidth 8 -stroke black -fill black -annotate 0,0 "%c" -channel RGBA -blur 0x8 -strokewidth 1 -stroke white -fill white -annotate 0,0 "%c" -fuzz "1%" -trim +repage -resize "115x" ) -gravity North -composite -strip +repage annotated.gif
- Have copied "Hatching_Orig.jpg" from the web - somewhere.
- I don't understand what '% c' means or where the variable find its value ("Hatching of Linux")
- I don't know, how to use the font: "SheerBeauty" (here I have used Arial - to avoid error)
I have an font on my hard disk with the name: "c:\windows\fonts\Sheer Beauty Regular.ttf".
The font have the name: "Sheer Beauty" in program for example OpenOfficeWriter
When I type in the command:
".........-font "Sheer Beauty" -pointsize ........" or
".........-font "Sheer Beauty Regular.ttf" -pointsize ........"
In both cases I get the following error message in DOS:
"convert: unable to read font 'Sheer Beauty Regular.ttf' @ annotate.c/RenderType/807." or
"convert: unable to read font 'Sheer Beauty' @ annotate.c/RenderType/807."
Must the font be installed in Windows?
How to use the fonts that are installed?
My problem is that it doesn't get the expected result: