composite images as photo album

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composite images as photo album

Post by myspacee »

Hello to all,
10 days ago born my son :). Now i'm creating an online album for friends and family.

Working on that start a script that, from given directory, compose automatically a photo album.

Find a nice effect that i want to reproduce using IM. post link for final goal

Reading guide find some nice info :

- rotate my picture

Code: Select all

convert my_picture.jpg  -transparent white -rotate  13  rotate_13.gif
-composite with 'blank page'

Code: Select all

cconvert page_blank.jpg  rotate_31.gif -background none  -fill white -geometry +25+105 -composite  final.jpg
Have some problem composing images cause can't handle transparent color [white]

Please can you give me some help on syntax ?

thank you for reding,

Last edited by myspacee on 2010-01-25T02:29:31-07:00, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: composite images as photo album

Post by fmw42 »

convert my_picture.jpg -transparent white -rotate 13 rotate_13.gif
-transparent white will make any white into transparent. Is that what you want or do you want the rotation background to be transparent. If the latter, then

convert my_picture.jpg -background none -rotate 13 rotate_13.gif

cconvert page_blank.jpg rotate_31.gif -background none -fill white -geometry +25+105 -composite final.jpg
what are you trying to do here, especially with the -fill white. It does nothing in this case. Also you have cconvert and not convert.


convert my_picture.jpg -background none -rotate 13 rotate_13.gif
convert page_blank.jpg rotate_31.gif -geometry +25+105 -composite final.jpg

in one command

convert page_blank.jpg \( my_picture.jpg -background none -rotate 13 \) -geometry +25+105 -composite final.jpg

Last edited by fmw42 on 2010-01-24T15:51:15-07:00, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: composite images as photo album

Post by Bonzo »

Fred posted just before me :(

I agree with him and I would also use png rather than gif for a better quality image on the rotate.

When you say you are creating an online photo album is this modifying the photos etc. on line or doing all the work offline then uploading it ?
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Re: composite images as photo album

Post by myspacee »

thank you to correct me,
revert all to png for quality, my exe call cconvert.exe to avoid same name in micososft convert.exe (partition tool)

I use -trasparent white, to emulate scotch effect, but after few test i use -dissolve.


Code: Select all

cconvert my_picture.jpg -background none -rotate 13 rotate_13.png
cconvert page_blank.jpg rotate_13.png -geometry +25+105 -composite no_scotch.png
composite -dissolve 60  -geometry +35+85 Tape42_t.png  no_scotch.png -matte   final.png
Yes Bonzo, is an offline tool with FTP capabilities, that make works and then upload when finish.

For now thank you,

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