(newbie) Struggling to convert SVG to EPS

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(newbie) Struggling to convert SVG to EPS

Post by mlse »

Hi all,

I am using Debian Etch; I installed imagemagick using apt-get.

I have a piece of PHP code which generates an SVG file. I want to convert it to an EPS file so that I can load it in Adobe Photoshop CS4 on my Windows machine.

I am using the following command to try to do the conversion:

Code: Select all

mogrify -format eps myfile.svg
And I am getting the following error:

Code: Select all

mogrify: Must specify image size `/tmp/magick-XXtl9VHN'
(of course, the name of the file changes every time because it is a temporary file).

I then tried:

Code: Select all

mogrify -format eps myfile.svg -resize 800x800
But I still get the same error.

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance for your help.
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Re: (newbie) Struggling to convert SVG to EPS

Post by fmw42 »

If it is just one image, then use convert

convert image.svg image.eps

but you may need to have the RSVG delegate library installed if you get errors about image.svg not existing or image.eps not existing or no delegate found.

If you have to convert multiple images, then you can use mogrify

create a new directory test2 and lets say your existing directory is test1

cd fullpathto/test1
mogrify -path fullpathto/test2 -format eps *.svg
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